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Tuesday 23 July 2013

SEO settings for blogger

SEO tips,Best SEO tips,Blogger SEO setting,Best SEO settings,SEO settings to get high page rank

About SEO:-

Learning SEO is much important for each webmaster and blogger.As a result of not with standing however nice the content on your website is, you are not obtaining any high rank into search results if you do not apply SEO techniques. SEO makes your content visible to the internet world.Therefore, for your content to truly show in internet traffic, you should apply SEO to your website.We've got shared number of posts on SEO(Search engine optimization).But today, I might wish to share some SEO settings that each blogger ought to apply on their blog.These are specific to Blogger, however that does not mean you cannot apply these settings or tricks to website.

1. Select your topic

Choosing the post topic is that the important a part of making content always choose the topic which you think that your visitor will like.The topic you select ought to be compliant with what your users wish.It should be different and original and will give some thing important  to the users.As you are constructing your post, you must raise yourself some queries relating to the topic and content 
(see point No twenty)

2. Check you competition

Always check that what your competitors are doing, what topics they are posting on their blog, what ways they are aiming,and most significantly, what is hot on their websites and what can give you number of viewers.However take a general hint before making a concept about your own content.

3. Find out the latest trends

Make sure you follow the most newest trends and news on many social media networks to find  what is the latest trend.Writing on the foremost recent trends not only brings in an exceedingly number of visitors.It additionally tells search engines that your web site is dynamic, and provides the heart touching and latest content to its users.

4. Keyword analysis before post!

So, you've got set to write down about one thing.However you are looking for words to explain? you have got to be told the way to do some keyword analysis in start.You may need keywords for different things, like titles, meta descriptions, tags, and so on. Check on the text which you write and find keyword about it and you may find out a lot of keywords regarding it.

5. The major difference between author and a blogger

A good blogger could be an honest author, however the other way around it is not true.An honest author may skills to write down for readers and visitors,however a blogger additionally is aware of the way to write for search engines this is the main difference between author and a blogger that author writes for visitor and blogger writes for search engine.To be an honest blogger, you would like to adopt a technical way of writing for search engine,keep a regular approach to a lot of visitors.

6. Suggested word limit

There's no such factor as AN 'ideal word limit' for a blog post. It strictly depends on the amount of posts you publish, and also the post topic.However SEO specialists agree on a minimum of three hundred words to avoid penalties and bounce.We might suggest a post of 500-700 words on the average, since that looks to be the enough once it involves readers  neither too short therefore on miss out on important things, nor too long for it to urge boring.

7. The title is king!

The title is that the most vital part of a blog post,since it's the one that truly brings within the clicks. Optimizing post titles may be a part of being an honest blogger.Read this post to learn how to make content regarding and search engine friendly post titles.

8. Optimize Permalink

Always keep permalinks short.Use custom permalinks of around 4-5 words at Georgia home boy, and separate every word a hyphen [-]. To make confirm you capture your most vital keyword within the permalink.

9. Intro with keywords

Keep all the keywords you'll up with at the beginning in mind, and use all of them in your introductory paragraph. It does not matter what number keywords you employ within the content. however you need to use all of them a minimum of once within the intro paragraph.

10. Headings and subheadings

Always use a mix of various headings. Usually, blogger titles area unit H1, therefore ne'er use H1. Post titles area unit typically H2, therefore do not use H2 either. Use their mix of.For the foremost half, use a mix of H3 and H4 in your post to specify a term gradually in your content and posts.

11. Typography

Typography refers to the styling of your content.It's virtually as important as the content itself.Try and use completely different coloured headings, use italic and daring text to stress your keywords Also, once you are done writing your content, choose all by pressing ctrl + A, then justify its alignment, in order that the text appearance neat at each side.

12. Meta descriptions

The Meta description is that the second-most vital part of your post (after post title), because it is what users can see on a search engine (along together with your title). Write a brief and main things about description of at the most 170-180 characters, and confirm to incorporate all the important keywords in that you came up with before writing the particular post.

13. Inter link

Every post on your blogger should have an inside link to a different relevant post.This can be one in all the numerous ways that to enhance our rank and reduce your bounce rate.Try and at produce a minimum of 2 internal links at the end or intervals of your post and a minimum of one or 2 a lot of within the remainder of content.

14. Make links with Anchor texts

An anchor text is that the text you employ to link to a different page, and it's what users click to urge to it different page.Selecting anchor text is an important a part of linking.Never use one word anchor text always use a phrase in anchor text.Usually, a three-word phrase is that the most suitable choice.Forever use a keyword phrase as anchor text.
Never use identical anchor text double for identical link.It's  equal to keyword stuffing, and spamming.Whether or not on your website or another, always change the anchor text.

15. No follow vs do follow links

A "no follow" attribute in an exceedingly link tells a search crawler to not 'follow' a link.First of all, once linking to external pages, forever link to a page that encompasses a higher rank than yours. However if you need to link to a lower quality page always use the rel="no follow" attribute with the link tag.However ne'er do that for respected sites, like Google, Wikipedia etc,  and not for linking to your own pages.

16. Make visual content

Images, videos, information graphics, animations; such things boost your content.If you have got a video associated with your content, that it is nice.Otherwise, try and use at least one image in you blogger post and give him alt tags.And relying upon the topic, you can add several.However make sure that you do not add many, such a lot in order that the content gets snuffed out.

17. Naming files and pictures

Before uploading a video, audio, or image file, always confirm you rename it.Use significant keywords, and separate them with commas.This way, users and search engines will tell what the file is regarding simply by its file path!

18. Optimize pictures before uploading

Suppose you wish to show a picture that's five hundred pixels wide and three hundred pixels high.There is no problem in uploading a 1200x720 image but it will look odd.It's going to take up house on your server,and it will take time in opening at the user's end if user is using low speed connection.

19. Image Title and EL text

Always tag pictures with Titles and EL text.And forever use relevant keywords.Confirm that you give them title and tags.After writing a post

20. Inquire your content

So you've got created very good content. Great! however before it's internet-worthy, you would like to raise yourself some questions about your content that you have got.If the solution to any of the questions is not given below , then there is one thing wrong with the content.

21. Blog labels

Organize your blog's structure into a series of Labels (or tags and classes if you are using WordPress). Use a minimum of one, and at least 3 labels for one blogger post.And keep the whole range of labels between fifteen and twenty (for blogs, however same for thing WordPress).

22. Synchronize posts with the traffic

Don't publish your blogger posts as you complete them.Always post them with schedule at time when your website views are more then the whole day.As an example, monitor your traffic stats and see what time does one get the foremost quantity of traffic.You would possibly make schedule for your posts for around that that time.However try and be consistent regarding your order.Choose a time table that works for you, and stick with it.

23. Posting frequency

There are not any restrictions once it involves posting frequency.However the a lot of, the better. try and sustain with a minimum of one post daily.You will write as several as you'll per day although. There is no limit. You can even write 100 if you can afford to.

24. produce a sitemap

A websitemap may be a listing of all the pages on your site. Typically times, search crawlers may miss out on a page as a result of you would possibly not have joined there to in the other page. therefore to inform search engines to index that isolated page, you have got to submit a sitemap to them.You may use a plugin for generating a sitemap, or browse our post on Blogger Sitemap Generator for a lot of details.

25. Blogger load time

The blogger load time is that the most vital once it involves user-friendliness.The slower a blogger masses, the a lot of users tend to depart it before it's done loading.Therefore forever try and keep your load time to a minimum. Here are some tips that ought to help;

26. Sitelinks

Sitelinks seem on blogs that have PR two or higher than, and that they area unit a group of a number of the links on your blogger that seem in Google search results. they create your blogger look a lot of skilled. check up on our post on the way to tell Google what links to show in sitelinks.

27. Social bookmarking widgets

Add social bookmarking widgets on your blogger to enhance your social rankings. Search engines love it once they notice links to your social profiles. Besides, such widgets create it easier for users to share your content.

28. Directory submissions

Submitting your blogger to directories like DMoz will increase the amount of backlinks you have got, and successively, your website's rank.

29. performing on your PageRank

PageRank is Google's approach of ranking websites. The upper your PR, the higher probabilities you have got of moving into search results, and also the quicker your index rate are going to be.Browse the subsequent post to be told lots a lot of regarding PageRank, and the way to enhance it.

30. Avoiding SEO Bounces

In the end, avoid using shady SEO techniques to leap your rank.Forever use search engine friendly techniques to avoid recursive Bounces.Check up on the subsequent posts for a lot of information.


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